Conditions of use of the site

These conditions of use regulate access to e-commerce and the use of the services and contents present in it (images, software, texts, brands and logos, combinations of colors, structures and drawings ). Those who access and/or use the website assumes the quality of "user" and accept, from the moment of its first access and/or use, these conditions, which apply regardless of the general conditions of sale. Failure to accept these conditions does not allow further access or use of the contents and services of the website.


Access to the website is free and free.

The portal is owned by Tracksidelab with registered office in the industrial area - 83025 Misciano (AV) - Italy, tel. +39 373.7990342, P. IVA 05927061217 ("Manager").

The user declares to accept the site "As it is". The manager is not responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, who may eventually derive from the use of the website. Without any notice, the portal and its contents can be modified or replaced. Any information and/or request can be sent to:

Privacy protection online

All data transmitted by the user, through access or use of the website will be processed in accordance with the "Privacy Privacy Protection" rules, viewable on the page Privacy Policy which are expressly referred to and accepted by the user here.

User obligations

The user undertakes not to transmit, disseminate, send, communicate or memorize information and other materials:

- Copyright protected or who reveal commercial secrets;

- obscene, defamators, threatening, harassing, offensive, warm, sexually explicit;

- untreated messages or that constitute advertising or solicitation for purchase, investigations, chains of letters;

- containing viruses, slut horses, worms, time bombs and other elements intended to damage, unduly intercept or use data, information, physical and logical structures of the manager and/or third parties.

The user also accepts to:

- do not access the data of the site protected or to which you are not authorized and not to violate the system or site security measures;

- do not act in such a way as to unreasonablely overloaded or in disproportionate the physical and logical systems of the site, also through "Flooding", "Spamming", "Mailbombing" or "Crashing" actions;

- Do not use devices, software programs or other in order to compromise or try to compromise the regular functioning of the site, as well as try to decipher, decompile, disassemble or decode the software that composes or constitutes part of the site;

- Do not use or try to use engines, software programs, tools, agents or other mechanisms (such as: spider, robot, ...) that allow you to navigate or perform searches within the site without using engines or search agents of the same.

An illegal or non -compliant conduct to what has been provided here will be pursued in accordance with the law at the competent offices.

Copyright rights on industrial directives

All copyright rights relating to the contents of the website (such as text, graphics, photographs, images, user interface) as well as the selection, coordination and organization of them are owned by the manager or of any third licensee. No declaration contained on the site gives license or industrial rights on the copyright of the manager or third parties.

The contents of the website are intended for the users and customers of the site only; the unauthorized commercial use of the contents present is prohibited. The user can freely view the contents of the Site, print them, copy them and save them on the hard-meter of your computer or on other physical support, under your responsibility and exclusively for personal and private use, in compliance with the current legislation on Copyright protection. All rights regarding brands, product names, commercial names, logos, packaging and design of all the products or services of the manager or third parties, both in extensive form and with the symbol of the commercial brand, belong exclusively to the legitimate owners, in accordance with international agreements and current laws on the subject. All uses that can violate these rights are expressly prohibited.

Hypertext links (link))

The site may contain hypertext links (link) to other websites. The manager assumes no responsibility for any content or services offered by third parties, nor does it guarantee technical availability, reliability, the lawfulness of any material and information contained in the connected Internet sites. In the same way, the possible insertion of a link does not involve any type of association, merger or participation of the manager with the owners and contents of the connected websites.

Duration and modification of these conditions

The manager reserves the right to modify, without any notice, these general access and use conditions. Any changes will have immediate effect from the first publication on the site and up to any new changes.