Cookie policy

The data controller

Tracksidelab collects some personal data of its users through the use of cookies and similar technologies, in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/03 Code regarding the protection of personal data (Privacy Code) and by the provision of 8 May 2014 "Identification of the simplified methods for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of the Italian privacy guarantor. Tracksidelab, based in the industrial area - 83025 Misciano (AV) - Italy, tel. +39 373.7990342, P. IVA 05927061217, as the data controller acts in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the matter.


You can lend your consent to the use of cookies by clicking on the "OK" button, closing the banner from the "X" button; Scrolling through the page or by clicking any element of the contents internal to the pages of the site.
Continuing navigation by leaving this Cookie Policy and in the absence of a specific choice of management of the consensus, you give consent to the use of all cookies.

Cookies used and purposes

Cookies are small files that are sent to the browser used and saved on your device when you visit a website, "" in this case. Cookies improve site performance and provide useful information for statistical and/or advertising purposes, mainly used to personalize the navigation experience of the individual user by storing their preferences.

Trackside uses predisposed and directly managed cookies and third -party cookies, prepared and managed by third parties based on their respective privacy policies that not under direct control of Trackside. Types of cookies: navigation, functional, analytical, marketing and profiling, of social networks.

How to disable cookies

You can easily remove all cookies by deleting them from the chronology of your browser. In fact, all browsers, through their settings, allow you to accept, control and disable cookies.