Privacy Policy

Tracksidelab is very attentive to your privacy, we manage your personal data in compliance with all current regulations, with the utmost attention and keep them in complete safety.

For all information on how protects your data read our privacy policy. We invite you to read too Cookie policy, the General conditions of use of our site. The data controller is Tracksidelab based in the industrial area - 83025 Misciano (AV) - Italy, tel. +39 373.7990342, P. VAT 05927061217

The personal data we manage are those that users provide in relation to orders and purchase operations. For example, the data may be the personal data, such as name and surname, invoicing and shipping address, navigation and those relating to purchasing behavior.

Personal data are processed for:
- conclude and carry out the contracts for sale of goods;
- provide services such as the newsletter;
- allow you to register on the site also for the use of services dedicated to those who are recorded;
- follow up on the requests received by customer service.
In all these cases, the processing of personal data is legitimate, because necessary for the execution of a contract with the user, for goods or services he requested.

The data collected are retained for a limited period which varies according to the purpose for which they were collected, after which they are deleted or made anonymous in an irreversible way. By way of example: the data collected in relation to the purchases made on are managed for the duration of the administrative and accounting process, to then be archived and kept in compliance with tax rules (10 years). The data collected on the occasion of newsletters subscriptions will be managed until the user requests cancellation from the newsletter service.

If the user wishes, he can at any time revoke the consent to the processing of data, ask which of his personal data we possess, the origin of the same and the use that is made of it. Where you wish, you can request the update, rectification or integration of the data, or the cancellation or limitation of their processing.

If the user should believe that the processing of personal data takes place with illegitimate procedures and methods, may submit a complaint to the competent control authorities, for compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data. In Italy, the complaint can be presented to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (

This information could be subject to changes and additions, it is therefore appropriate to verify its contents when it is deemed appropriate. The processing of personal data takes place in accordance with the EU Regulation 2016/679, and in compliance with all national rules and measures of the Privacy Guarantor (